Sometimes sewing in bulk isn't the best idea. These cases are for an 11" MacBook Air, a 13" MacBook Pro, and an iPad. Mac much? Each of these devices is a different size, and since I'd chosen different color schemes for each, I sewed each one in succession. Sometimes, especially when I'm feeling congested and not getting enough oxygen, I'm just too prone to making mistakes to do things more efficiently. It's dumb but it took a lot of hours to get these done. I've been fighting this chest cold/head cold all week, and though I'd really rather be lying in bed, it's been too long since I've been in my happy sewing place, so I braved the stairs and went to work today. I was actually short of breath when I got there!

These are for MJ, CP, and Sara, who wants to give it to Anthony.
Stash Used: 2 yards
Stash Used, total: 228.4 yards
Stash Acquired: 0
Stash Acquired, total: 364.875